It’s a very worrying time when you find out that your website has been hacked. Your initial thoughts will almost certainly include “will I need to rebuild my website” and “will I lose all of my customers”.
How search engines will show your web site listing if it has been hacked.
Although website hacks are very common, fortunately the vast majority are able to be rectified within a day or so. The hacks that you hear about on TV or read about, where someone has managed to obtain access to NASA or the FBI are fortunately very rare and are much different to the type of hack experienced by the vast majority of businesses.
The aim of most hackers who infiltrate business websites is not to steal information but to use the website as a kind of proxy to promote another website. We have seen a website for a cycle shop suddenly start showing pages for hair extensions for example. More often than not, the infected website will start blasting out spam emails which will result in your website and the server it is located on being blacklisted by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). This allows the hacker to get away with illegal actions whilst you get the blame and suffer the consequences.
If you see a message like the one above when you look for your website on a search engine, get in touch with us and we can fix the problem quickly and with little cost to you.
We offer a fixed rate fee of £199.00 to investigate and fix the hack for you.
We will remove infected files and upgrade vulnerable elements of your website to ensure that the same thing cannot happen again. If your website is old and is likely to be very vulnerable to further attacks, we will fix the immediate problem and give you details of what is vulnerable and how best to secure the site in future. This may be as simple as upgrading some of the programming or a complete rebuild of the website in the most extreme cases. (This may involve further costs).
In most instances, your website will not crash after a hack and unless someone looks for it on a search engine and sees a message similar to the one above, most people will not even know that the hack has happened. We will be able to fix the problem usually within 24 hours of being asked.
We will install suitable website security products to help protect your site in future.
A back up of your site is taken so it can be reinstalled in the future
We will reset the passwords used to access your content management system and server
We remove infected files and run malware scans to ensure no further hidden files can affect the site
If your website is not hosted with us we will handle the interaction with your website host for you
We will suggest ways of best protecting your site moving forward
Here are some of the software and platforms that we work with, ensuring we have the development capability for almost any project.
We deliver globally, providing result-driven project management and seamless communication.
We shape brands through exploration, applying in-depth research to challenge assumptions at every turn.
Our design approach is to simplify. We embrace the joy in creating something unique that is easy for end users.
Using modern technologies, we build with efficiency and skill, creating flexible and scalable business-driven solutions.
We take an iterative approach to both our work and our practice, always looking for ways to improve what we do.